The Input list does not claim to be complete. Products which are not listed can be used in principle, provided that they are permissible according to the European legal regulations for organic production and possibly the association requirements (Biokreis, Bioland, Demeter, ECOVIN, Gäa, Naturland). In case of doubt, the control body, the competent authority and/or the association shall decide whether a non-listed product may be used. If products other than those listed are used, the operator himself must check whether they comply with the regulation and, if necessary, provide proof of production without using genetic engineering.
The products in the input list are no recommendation for use. They are evaluated for their compliance with the principles of organic production. A verification regarding their effectiveness, e.g. for plant strengthening agents or cleaning agents, does not occur and is no criteria for listing.
The use of any inputs in organic production is always the responsibility of the user. The general and legal regulations for use and application of the listed products are reserved. All information is provided without guarantee. FiBL Projekte GmbH disclaims all liability related to the use of the listed products.