Cleaning agents etc.

4 products for cleaning, disinfection, hygiene and care

Admission criteria

Regulation (EC) No. 889/2008 mentions in Annex VII the approved "products for cleaning and disinfection of buildings and installations for animal production". The new Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1165 stipulates in Article 5(4) that this Annex continues to apply until updated Annexes are available. The list restricts the active substances approved for cleaning and disinfecting of husbandry and stable facilities and equipment compared to the substances conventionally used. There is currently no European regulation for cleaning and disinfection in crop production or in processing and storage facilities. Specific requirements for organic production will probably not be available for these sectors until January 1, 2026.

The basic admission criteria for the European Input List already include stricter requirements for the admission of cleaning agents and disinfectants in the Input list, which consider the objectives and principles of organic production. The criteria specify which active ingredients and formulation aids may not be included in products that are registered in the Input list, and which further requirements must be met.

Disinfectants are only listed if there is proof of general marketability (e.g. BAuA registration number or registration with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)). Veterinary medicines marketed in Germany require approval from the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL).

Listed products

The online search of Input list offers a wide range of cleaning agents and disinfectants for use in organic production. The corresponding categories can be found here.

FiBL’s research project for cleaning and disinfection sector

In BÖLN project RuDI, which started in August 2021, FiBL, in collaboration with national and European partners, developed a proposal for the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) to regulate cleaning and disinfectants for processing and storage. Details of the project and the first proposed regulation can be found here:

Interested companies will find useful assistance on environmentally friendly cleaning and hygiene management in food sector in a FiBL guideline of a former BÖLN project. (only German)